Friday, May 1, 2015

Take Time: Plan

Photo: Viktor Hanacek,

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut. We live like it's Ground Hog day, every day the same. Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed, do it all over the next day.

Do you ever take time to dream? To plan? Is there something burning within you that you want to accomplish? Take a trip, write a book, work with children, go on a vacation, or just clean a drawer!

What can you do that will get you out of the ordinary?

In this month's Take Time series, I encourage you to plan.

Plan a Trip 
What place have you wanted to visit, whether it's close to home or far away? Research it on the internet, estimate the travel time, reserve a place to stay, think about what you want to do while you're there. Take some time away from your routine and create some memories with your family.

Plan To Attend a Conference
There are conferences for so many things! I've attend a Catalyst Leadership Conference, a Storyline Conference, and for the past 3 years watched the ARC (Association of Related Churches) Conference online. 

Take a trip to a different state, find something local or even online. Take an hour to attend a webinar or a week to travel. There are so many options for any area of interest!

Plan Your Dream
What passion do you have that you aren't pursuing? Photography, writing, mentoring, running a 5K or a marathon, playing an instrument, volunteering at an animal shelter or for a political candidate.

Follow blogs on your dream topic, read books, look for trainers or teachers, but make a step toward pursuing your dream. Even if it's just a little bit at a time, do something and in the long run you'll look back and see huge progress!

Plan A Party
We all have friends but we're all too busy to get together to spend meaningful time with each other. Plan a party and have everyone over for an afternoon or evening together. Keep food light and easy, or make it a potluck. But spend some time with people who mean the most to you and just laugh and cherish the fact that you can "do life" together.

Business Plan
Maybe you're in business for yourself, or you're working on a personal brand. Do you need some updating? Logo, website, social media…what updates do you need to make? Maybe you need to take time to map out exactly where you want to go with your business or your brand.

Financial Plan
Do you need to save money for a new vehicle, appliance or retirement? Take time to plan your money so you have enough for what you need. You may need the Dave Ramsey diet for awhile (rice and beans and beans and rice) but plan a financial goal and what you will do to accomplish that goal.

Plan Your Time
Are you overwhelmed at your job and wish you had time to reorganize everything? Plan a day (even a Saturday) that you can devote to a complete overhaul of your systems: computer files as well as paper files. Clean out the "junk" drawer in your desk, throw away the expired food you have stashed for when you get hungry. You'll feel energized and refreshed to start over with a clean work environment.

There are so many things that deserve a plan. (I wrote here about a plan for your health.) Take a few minutes to think about in what area you may need to make a plan, and then do it. You'll be glad you did!

Read my previous post: Health Survey Results
Read my next post: Is Sucralose Good For You