Friday, January 9, 2015

Intentions for the New Year

Photo: Jeff Sheldon

What are your intentions for 2015? Forget resolutions and think about the story you want to have told when this year is over. 

List your general intentions first. 

Do you want to lose 24 pounds, write a book, save money, knit 48 hats to donate to the hospital for preemie babies? Whatever you want to accomplish this year, write it down.

Maybe you want to serve at a soup kitchen, volunteer at a your church, learn to do something new, or just be more available to your family and friends. Make a list.  

Now break that down into monthly, then weekly goals.  

Knit four hats per month, one hat per week. Lose two pounds per month, one-half pound per week. Save eighty-three dollars per month, $20.75 per week to save $1000. 

Doesn't it sound like a much easier goal to accomplish that way than an ambiguous, "I want to save money?"

Then think about what conflicts may arise that you'll need to overcome.  

List the possible conflicts and how you will handle those. If you can anticipate the potential obstacles along the way, you'll be better prepared to defeat them. 

Take some time to get with God to find out what His goals are for you this year, and what story He wants to write on your life. Put them on paper, create a plan and make it happen! 

Check in and share your goal, keep me posted along the way, and we'll celebrate together in 2016 what you did in 2015! 

Don't let days turn into weeks, turn into months, turn into a whole year being wasted. Take a small step forward and get started today 

What are your intentions for 2015? 

Read my previous post: Take Time: Wait and Be Still