Thursday, May 27, 2010

Health History Meetings

My IIN homework is so much fun! I met with a young lady yesterday for a health history consultation, my 3rd one. It amazes me how much these consultations have been similar to meeting with my brides.

I was a wedding coordinator for 10 years. I met with brides when I put their wedding date on the calendar and gave them a packet of information: church policies, checklists, vow selections, fee schedule, and marriage license information. I met with them again the week before the wedding to discuss the events of the day: who was in the wedding party, who was standing where, how were the unity candles going to be lit, who was escorting parents and other details. My job was to "move 'em in and move 'em out" and Pastor did everything in between.

I did about 100 weddings so I've had a lot of meetings. I'm finding that meeting with people for my current homework is much the same. I feel very comfortable with the initial greeting, asking if they'd like to get something to drink before we start (when I met at a coffee shop), beginning the meeting, progressing through the meeting, and closing and saying 'goodbye'. The only thing different is the topic! Well, and they no longer come to me (I worked for church), but I have to seek them out.

I am enjoying talking with people about their health and I'm excited to get going on classes. I KNOW that I will be able to help people with their health concerns and can't wait to share my knowledge. But right now that knowledge is limited and we're told not to give hints or ideas on what kinds of changes people should start making yet. Most of us who have enrolled at IIN have a history of interest in nutrition and health and have read many books and learned from doctors, but until we receive our training, we just are not able to share. That's hard! I have such a passion about it and know I could already be giving helpful advice! But I will wait so I don't get myself in trouble.

So, the more health history consultations I can do for homework practice, the better. If you're willing and able, please let me know. (Consultations seem to be taking me about 45 minutes.) You can contact me, or fill out a health history form, through my website. (See the previous post for the link.)

Thank you so much for all of your support!