Friday, September 30, 2011

Are You Fragrant?

(c) 2006, Kathy Fannon

Have you ever walked into a coffee shop and smelled the coffee brewing? You breathe deep through your nose to take in as much of the aroma as you can, exhale it all back out and then breathe deep again. Oh, that smells so good!

How about Thanksgiving when you go to your mom's house and the aroma of turkey and potatoes knocks you over as you walk toward the house? There's nothing like that smell! It makes you salivate and your stomach rumble! Just get me to the table!

But what about you? Are you an aroma? I'm not asking if you need a shower, but are you an aroma of life to those around you? 

Do they put their noses in the air and sniff as you pass because you live a life so sold out to God that you bring a fresh fragrance wherever you go? 

Are you as lilacs in the spring or burning leaves in the fall? Do people want to be around you?

God has called us to be a witness for Him. He wants us to minister to the hurting, the broken, the lost. Are we doing that? Or are we stagnant in our church pew and have forgotten about the world outside, therefore becoming a stench in the nostrils of God?

  • II Corinthians 2:14-16 "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life..." (NASB)

Live your life as a "perfume" of life to those around you and you will be a pleasing aroma to our Father.

Read my previous post: Think Small
Read my next post: Happy Anniversary to Me!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Think Small

(c) 8/2010, Kathy Fannon

“Yep, I’ve determined to think small. I don’t want to think medium and certainly not large! I’m trying to change my mindset and choosing to think small.”

I wrote those words 5 years ago in my attempts to lose weight. I knew I was gaining and had to do something to take control of it, and that’s what I came up with.

I had a habit of going out to eat and getting the medium or large size because I was hungry or it just sounded good. Medium fries? Yum! Venti Starbucks? Yeah, baby! But when I sat down to eat, I’d get half way through and think, “Why did I get all of this? I’ll never be able to finish it!” I’d start to get that pudgy feeling, but I didn’t want to waste good food, so I kept eating! And the crinkle cut fries at Culver’s were the BEST! I couldn’t throw those away.

But after eating everything I felt like I needed to roll my way out of the restaurant, my clothes didn’t fit right and I was uncomfortable until it all digested in my belly.

So, I was on a mission to think small BEFORE I orderedsmall fries, tall latte…and no more combo meals! No more ordering too much and then being sorry for it. I decided to order with my head and not my stomach. I didn’t want all the extra fat and calories, and maybe by thinking small, I’d GET small!

This plan worked for awhile, and I did lose a few pounds, but it was only when I made a commitment to eating real, whole-foods that I lost weight (40 pounds) and have been able to keep it off for the past 2 ½ years.

In an effort to Be Real with this post, I recognize not everybody eats a completely whole-foods diet. I’m not unaware that the majority of you will have lunch or dinner from a fast food chain sometime this week. I’m positive that somebody reading this will have processed food at some point today – even if it is a home cooked meal.

So here’s my challenge to you. THINK SMALL!

Think small before you order when you go out to eat. If going to a sit-down restaurant, determine ahead of time that half of your dish will come home for lunch the next day. If going to a fast-food joint, don’t “Bubba” size your fries.

Think in reasonable portion sizes.

  • Meat should be no more than the size of your palm; about 3 ounces.

We went out to eat for my son’s birthday last weekend and my mom wanted a hamburger. The only size on the menu was a HALF POUND! Are you kidding me? What woman wants a half pound of meat? (And I thought the third pound option was bad at another local place!) A half pound burger is enough for three people. This is why we have a weight problem in America.

But I digress.

  • Vegetables don’t need to be massive amounts – about one fist size is a serving. Try to get two of those. 

And really, French Fries do not count as a vegetable, but if you must, be careful of having too many. I KNOW they’re good, but moderation is key on this one.

  • Getting soda? (Or as we say in Michigan, pop.) Keep in mind that just a few years ago the large is what we now call a small. Again, don’t opt for the “Bubba” size. The aspartame or high-fructose corn syrup wreaks all kinds of havoc on your body. I get the need for the bubbles, so get the smallest size available. Even better (and cheaper) get water!

This is a huge topic (whoops, no pun intended there) that I would like to explore down the road. Portion sizes are out of control and I’d like to help you decide for yourself what is right for you. But for today, I just want you to…


What is your biggest challenge to thinking small?

Read my previous post: Rainy Days andMondays
Read my next post: Are You Fragrant?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Rain out my back slider today. (c) 9/26/11, Kathy Fannon

It's raining today where I live so I've decided to spend the day working in the kitchen. Since I don't have time to write out the thoughts I have for a blog post I thought I'd share with you what I'm doing while my pumpkins roast.

  • I've rinsed the pumpkin seeds so I can dry them on my cookie sheets (when the pumpkin is done roasting) and roast them for a healthy snack!

  • Here are some more pumpkin ideas if you want them!

  • I've got brown rice soaking so I can cook that ahead for dinner tonight as well.
I'm also going to make salsa as soon as I'm done with this post to have with our Burritos in the Buff. Here's how I'm going to do it:


  • Tomatoes, seeded and chopped
  • Onion, chopped
  • Lime juice, fresh squeezed of course
  • Cilantro, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • Garlic, minced (if you want...I think I'm going to leave it out this time around)

Normally I'd like this to sit in the fridge for at least a day, but I don't have time for that since I decided this morning what to make for supper. But homemade with tomatoes and onions from the farmers market will still be fabulous!

I think that's all I'll be doing this afternoon. Is that enough?

What's on your agenda for today? What is your favorite way to spend a rainy fall afternoon?

Read my previous post: Happy Birthday to My Son!
Read my next post: Think Small

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Son!

September 24, 1993

Look at that face! Isn't he cute? Eighteen years ago tomorrow, I gave birth to this handsome baby boy!

He has brought us 18 years of laughter because he views the world with a light heart and a goofy sense of humor. Things most people don't find funny, or at best groan at, will have my son rolling on floor (literally) with laughter. Movies, TV shows, even commercials are all made funnier when watching with him.

He loves music! He's an AMAZING guitarist and rocks the house! He's written his own songs and recorded them with the help of his guitar teacher. He's also an excellent trumpet player.

His taste in music is diverse. I think most of all he loves soundtracks from movies and video games and listens to them often on his iPod. I'll catch him listening to music by Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Steve Jablonsky, Ramin Djawadi, Danny Elfman and others. He listens to Buckethead and Trace Bundy. But he also likes Christian rap, classic rock, and alternative. [Don't recognize those names? Check the links, you will definitely know their work!]

He graduates high school next spring and is planning to go to college for audio production. He's hoping to get a gig in the music industry. While extremely proud of my baby, I lament the fact he could be moving very far away one day. But I fully support him going after his dream and making it happen. He will be awesome at whatever he does and will certainly be fun and entertaining for people around him to work with!

My daughter took his senior pictures last weekend, so I wanted to share a couple of those with you. Isn't he a handsome dude?!

(I know, right? SO embarrassing!) 

Read  my previous post: Jesus Said It, Why Do We Doubt It
Read my next post: Rainy Days and Mondays

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jesus Said It, Why Do We Doubt It

(c) 9/21/11, My sweet friend, Kathy in Louisiana
Sent in a text to me last night, but perfect for this post!

Mark 4:35-41 is probably my favorite passage in the entire Bible. It’s the story where Jesus and the disciples get in a boat to go to the other side of the lake. 

Oh, yeah…that’s interesting.

Oh, stop rolling your eyes!

Look at verse 35, Jesus says, “Let us go over to the other side”. (NASB) 

(Yes, I went all red-letter edition for this post!)

He pretty much said to His posse, “Yo, dudes, I’m goin’ over to the other side of the lake.”  OK, he probably didn’t actually call them “dudes”, but the point was HE WAS GOING.

But then the storm came up, the winds blew the boat around (I have the Gilligan’s Island theme song in my head here) and the waves came up over the boat, so much that the boat was starting to fill with water.

Oh, no!” cried the disciples, “Somebody go wake up Jesus!

All this wind and waves going on and Jesus was still sleeping! He said He was going to the other side, and He didn’t doubt Himself. So there He was, sawing logs…zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Here they come! Look out! 

Whiner #1 says, “Jesus! Wake up! We’re sinking!

Whiner #2 says, “Yeah! Don’t you care about us? We’re going to die and You’re down here taking a nap!

Jesus got up and said to the wind and waves - oh, and notice that He didn’t YELL at them, at least it doesn’t say so in my Bible, He just said, “Hush, be still”

And it all stopped. 

Can you picture it? The noise of the wind and the waves roaring in your ears and then all of a sudden it all stops. I’m sure the silence was deafening.

Jesus turns to them and says, “Helllooooo….!” OK, He didn’t actually say that either, but can’t you hear it in His words? 

“Why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?” 

After all the time they spent with Jesus, it still surprised them that He could do such miracles. Yeah, look at verse 41 “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?”  

From our vantage point we want to say, “Duh!”, but they didn’t have the advantage of 2000 years of history with this incredible man!

Why is this my favorite story? Because Jesus said, “I’m going to the other side”. That’s it. 

If He said it, then why would the disciples doubt it? He is Jesus, the Son of the Living God, and He IS God, and God never lies, so if He said He was going to the other side then I would have no reason to doubt that He’d get there.

So, when Jesus speaks something into your life, you’d better know that He will see it to fulfillment. Don’t look at the wind and the waves around your boat. Don’t wake Him in a panic crying, “Oh, God! I’m going to DIIIEEE!” No you’re not. He SAID it, we need to BELIEVE it! 

Don’t be a whiner.

Many years ago Martha Tennison spoke at our church on a Sunday morning and she said this, which I wrote in my Bible next to this story…

“Don’t read into God’s silence His absence. God may speak to us about a promise and never speak on it again, but in His silence He has not left us or forgotten.”

God IS taking you to the other side. The ride may be bumpy, but you’ll get there!

Seat cushion anyone?

What storm is in your life that Jesus needs to speak peace to? What word did He give you that you need to stand firm on in your faith?

Does this devotional encourage you? Please consider sharing it with your friends. Thank you!

Read my previous post: Applesauce Yogurt
Read my next post: Happy Birthday To My Son

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Applesauce Yogurt

Have you ever had yogurt with apples? Not me. Until a fall Sunday afternoon when I "stole" a creativity idea from Brittany of Eating Bird Food and created my own yogurt flavor. (I'm anxious to try her pumpkin yogurt now that I have pumpkins to roast.)

I'd call it a success.

Here's how I did it...and so can you!

A plop of plain Greek yogurt, about 2 heaping tablespoons (from my silverware drawer), maybe a tad more. A small squirt of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon. (You can use more, but since I was experimenting I didn't want to make too much...just in case.)

A plop of my homemade baked applesauce, about a heaping teaspoon (again, from my silverware drawer - don't over-think it). I also added a little Apple Crisp Granola from Good Life Granola for some substance. 

I mixed this together after I took the picture and it was fabulous! 

There was no refined sugar, or added colors, preservatives or chemicals, and the flavors were amazing!

Yes, I added honey to sweeten up the yogurt just a little (I'm still working on liking plain yogurt), but it's raw and unfiltered which makes it beneficial for health.

You don't have to make your own applesauce, but if you buy it in a jar be sure to watch out for high fructose corn syrup on the label.

What creative ways have you come up with to use plain yogurt? Are you willing to experiment?

Read my previous post: Baked Applesauce

If you like this recipe, please consider sharing it with your friends, using the buttons below. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baked Applesauce

McIntosh Apples!
All photos (c) 9/17/11, Kathy Fannon
(Click photos to enlarge)

Have you ever made baked applesauce? It’s easy! Read on…

When I was a kid my Aunt Carole made the BEST apple pie on the planet. When I got older she gave me her recipe and it calls for McIntosh apples, so that’s what I’ve always used to make pie.

With my change of eating habits, I no longer make apple pie. I don’t like the partially hydrogenated oils in the store bought pie crust and I’m too chicken (or lazy?) to make my own. I also don’t keep sugar in the house anymore. (Although, maybe I could try it with coconut sugar. I hear that’s good.)


Last fall I decided to make applesauce. I prefer baking to stovetop cooking because more of the nutrients and flavor are retained. (Which is why I bake corn instead of boiling it.)

And now…my favorite fruit farmer, Duane, has McIntosh apples again! Yay! I can make more baked applesauce to use in my oatmealyogurt, or by itself for a snack!

Saturday I bought a bunch and couldn’t wait to get home and get them started!

I peeled and sliced apples and put them in a pie plate, just like I would with a pie. No sugar, salt or cinnamon, but you can add whatever you’d like.

Apples prior to baking

I put them in a 350* oven and stirred and mashed after 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes (Prior to stirring and mashing)

I stirred and mashed them again after another 30, then after another 30-ish. Keep an eye on them so they don’t burn (especially at the beginning - above picture). I also like just a little texture to them, so I want some chunks left when they’re finished baking, but bake them as long as you like for the texture you want.

Chunky applesauce!

When you first take them out of the oven they will have a little soufflé-like jiggle. That makes it fun to mash ‘em!


I started with 6 ½ pounds of apples and ended up with about 6 cups of baked applesauce. When I use these for my oatmeal I will water them down a little bit because it does make a thick sauce. But I don’t want to lose the amazing tangy flavor, so not too much water!

Of course you can try this with any apple you like, and I would love to know if you do.

This is a very easy way to make applesauce, although it is a little time consuming in the peeling and slicing, then waiting while they bake. But SO worth it. And as you know, being the food snob that I am, I prefer as little processing as possible. Besides, I get to support my local economy (and friends) this way!

I tried freezing, then thawing some to see how it would hold up. Perfect! So I put my applesauce into the freezer in one-cup amounts for future use.

Now I need to plan how many weeks there are between now and next spring when I’ll stop making oatmeal for breakfast so I can be sure to have enough for the winter.

1 Medium Apple:

  • Calories: 80
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Vitamin A: 2%
  • Vitamin C: 14%
  • Iron: 2%

Challenge: Get 3 pounds of your favorite apples, either from the store or the farmers market, and bake your own applesauce. (This will fit into one pie plate.) Then report back and let me know what kind you used and how you liked it!

Read my previous post: Ground Cherries
Read my next post: Applesauce Yogurt

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Ground Cherries

All photos, (c) 9/10/11, Kathy Fannon; Ground Cherries
(Click on images to enlarge.)

Last weekend my daughter went to the farmers market with me. We passed a booth and she asked what “those papery white things” were. I had no idea, so we stopped and asked.

Ground Cherries.

The lady from CJ Veggies was kind enough to give us a sample. They’re good! We bought a pint to bring home and share with the guys.

My husband liked them, but he likes almost anything.

My son didn’t like them, but he tends to be a picky eater.

They’re smaller than a cherry tomato and have the same texture, smooth skin with watery seeds inside. They look like a tomato but taste sweet, like pineapple or strawberry and are a fruit, similar to Cape gooseberry.

A "Super Sweet" cherry tomato compared to Ground Cherries

Ground Cherries fall off the vine when ripe, hence the name. I saw their outsides described as “lantern-like paper husks”, which as you can see is a great description.

Ground Cherries have a bit of a pineapple taste, although some blogs around the web also describe them has having a strawberry flavor. The lady from CJ Veggies said one customer’s little boy thought they tasted like Fruit Loops. (There’s your alternative to sugary cereal! Hah!)

While reminiscent of pineapple or strawberry, really, the taste is unique.

Ground Cherries taste fabulous on their own, right out of their paper husks, but they can also be used in salads (leafy green or fruit), pie, jam, muffins and apparently taste good dipped in chocolate or made into wine.

I apologize for the blurry picture. But nice, clear detail of my counter top, huh!

They freeze well, so the blogs say, but I’m not sure what they’ll do when thawed. They might be better used in a muffin recipe than to think I’ll just put them in my breakfast yogurt. I’ll have to experiment with that one.

Ground Cherries are a low-maintenance, small plant (1’ – 3’ high) that usually grows wild, but cultivated in  parts of the country. We’re fortunate West Michigan is one of those places!

They are also known as husk tomatoes, chew cherries, strawberry tomatoes or winter cherries.

One cup of ground cherries has:

·         Calories: 75
·         Protein: 3 grams
·         Vitamin A: 20%
·         Vitamin C: 26%
·         Calcium: 1%
·         Iron: 8%

Cooking Books has a great post on Ground Cherries to check out, and a recipe for "Poached Ground Cherries" that she eats over ice cream.

Suite 101 also has a great blog post on Ground Cherries, including growing, harvesting and using, along with instructions on how to freeze them and a recipe for Ground-Cherry marmalade, with pear and pineapple, which sounds perfect for fall!

Have you ever heard of or had Ground Cherries? What new thing will you try from your farmers market before the season is over? I’m glad my daughter was curious, we found a new food to love!

Read my previous post: Your Opinion Matters To Me!
Read my next post: Baked Applesauce

Note: Sadness. I tried to buy more of these yummy ground cherries this past Saturday, but the season is pretty much over! Say it ain't so! You may be able to find ground cherries here and there, but I will have to wait until next year to buy them from CJ Veggies. She said the growing season is the same as tomatoes, so I'll start watching the beginning of August and experiment more next year. Let me know if you find some!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Your Opinion Matters To Me!

Tomatoes from my favorite tomato farmer, Richard! 
(c) 9/10/11, Kathy Fannon

I really want to take this blog up to a higher level and I truly VALUE your input.

What would you like to see discussed, shared, taught, etc? I have some ideas but don’t want to run with them if you’re not interested. I want this blog to meet your needs and questions.

Here are some of the things I’m thinking about:

·         Book Reviews
·         Emphasis on West Michigan: places to visit, things to do, healthy places to eat out, activities, etc (Got ideas on what you’d like to see on this topic?)
·         Farmers Market Reviews (and what to expect when you visit one)
·         How-to articles (freezing produce, roasting pumpkins, etc)
·         Choosing smarter items at the grocery store
·         Self-care
·         Relationship encouragement (via resources)
·         Resources (links to, reviews of, etc)
·         Weight-loss tips
·         Articles (how to combat acid-reflux, migraines, stress, time savers, etc)
·         Recipes
·         Seasonal Eating
·         Devotions or links to blogs with Christian-women based themes
·         Exercise tips
·         Articles (health benefits/nutrition content of whole foods; personal stories/experiences, etc)
·         Guest Bloggers

Which of these topics interest you most? What topic would you like to see covered that I’ve not mentioned? What are your questions or concerns? What do you want to know more about? I would love your opinion on general or specific topics

Please leave your comments below. I want this to be a place for you to come and find information that is useful and interesting for your everyday life.

Thank you so much! I look forward to serving you in improved ways!

Read my previous post: I Caved, But I'm Favored
Read  my next post: Ground Cherries

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Caved, But I'm Favored

(c) 9/15/11, Kathy Fannon

I stopped at my favorite Starbucks store this morning and while waiting in line I noticed they had Pumpkin Scones. I have a weakness for those and try really hard to pass them up. But the temperature was in the low 50s this morning and it feels like fall, so I couldn’t resist.

But wait, what’s that behind the scones? A Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin? I love pumpkin muffins in the fall and make my own every year while the pumpkins are around. I used to make it with cream cheese, but eliminated that a couple of years ago.

Two things wrong this morning: I was waiting in line and I was hungry.

I bought the scone and the muffin. I caved.

I was going to pass on the muffin until I was told there was only a limited amount. One case. Total of 24 muffins. And one was there for my taking. Well, purchasing. I’m favored.

I’m savoring the muffin because I know it’s the only one I’ll get. But quite frankly, I like mine better.

Bring on the pumpkins at the farmers market!

Here’s my review in case you happen to have one of these muffins available to you.

  • It’s very moist!

  • There are praline pumpkin seeds on top. Delicious!

  • It has a really great pumpkin flavor.

  • The cream cheese “filling” mostly sits on top. It’s not all the way through like you might imagine – like a Hostess cupcake or something. And it didn't really taste all that great, but then I don’t eat cream cheese much anymore anyway.

  • Sugar content is through the roof at 47 grams. Generally, it is accepted we eat no more than 40 grams per day. Well, I blew that one today.

  • Calories are as high as a small meal at 420. I don’t usually concern myself with calorie counts, but when this little muffin has more than what I eat for lunch, it’s pretty high. Although, this will obviously be a rare treat, so I’m not freaking out about it.

  • Do you pay attention to carbs? (I don’t.) Seventy-one grams – 24% RDA!

  • I’m also a bit disappointed that sugar is the very first ingredient.

  • “Caramel color”, “natural flavor” and preservatives are included in the ingredient list. These are things I like to avoid. But who’s paying attention while in a Starbucks line?

There are other things on the ingredient list that don’t go into my homemade pumpkin muffins, so even if there was an unlimited fall supply of these muffins, I don’t think I would be tempted to get another one. I’d much rather make my own. (I'm an admitted food-snob that way.)

Overall the muffin was enjoyable and went well with my hot chai.

The pumpkin scones are really just as offensive nutrition-wise as this muffin. I usually cut them in half and freeze them until I have a desperate urge.

If you see one, and you like pumpkin muffins, try one and let me know what you think!

Read my previous post: Review: Good Life Granola
Read my next post: Your Opinion Matters To Me!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review: Good Life Granola

(c), 9/12/11, Kathy Fannon

I've recently gotten to know Mike from Good Life Granola, a local company. You know I’m all about that! I love to support local people and feed the local economy, along with knowing where my food comes from and who’s got their hands on it.

Besides, Mike’s just a cool dude.

If you read my blog with any regularity, you’ve seen me mention Good Life Granola before, but I thought I’d try a new flavor this week and share my thoughts about it with you.

Last weekend I got out of my “Original Blend” rut and bought a bag of “Apple Crisp Blend”. I’m typically not a fan of apple products, but heck, why not? (Apple products – capital A – different story!)  J

I like the tangy, apple “chew” along with the granola, and it’s fabulous mixed with my Greek yogurt and raw honey for a snack. Today I opted to leave the peaches out since I wanted to test the blend without competing flavors, but for tomorrow’s breakfast this is a definite winner!

Good Life Granola is a little pricey at $6.50 a bag, but it’s worth it. They use pure maple syrup (which is what I use in my coffee, so I’m good with that) and pecans (Original Blend), which have gone up in price considerably recently.

I like the simple ingredient list: oats, maple syrup, brown sugar, canola oil, almonds, apples (apples, sugar, rice flour, sunflower oil, ascorbic acid, citric acid), vanilla, sea salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice

I’ve learned – you get what you pay for, and this is definitely worth what I pay.

One bag lasts me about a week for my breakfast and sometimes an afternoon snack. Although with the temperatures cooling down, I will probably be looking for a warmer snack than yogurt in the afternoons. And in a month or so I’ll be breaking out the crockpot to make my pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast, so no more yogurt for awhile.

But this will definitely have to stick around for the winter, and maybe I can find warm, winter-creative ways to use it.

If you live in Ottawa county (or other places in the West Michigan area), Illinois, Indiana, or Wisconsin, check here for a list of "Who Sells It".

Some of my personal favorites would be Harvest Health in Hudsonville, Mainstreet Beanery in Zeeland, JP’s Coffee & Espresso Bar or Shaker Messenger in downtown Holland, Byron Center Meats in Byron Center, and Peter’s Imports in Grandville. But the list is long, so be sure to check it out and find a location near you!

If you don’t live in West Michigan or it’s not carried locally, you can order online here and Mike will ship it to your door! (Tell him I sent ya. You probably won’t get a discount, but it could be fun anyway.)

Follow Good Life Granola on Twitter and "Like" them on Facebook!

How do you use granola in the winter? Apple crisp? A topping for sweet potatoes? Please share your ideas and recipes. And Mike, if you’re out there, tell us how YOU use it! (We want to keep you in business!)

Read my previous post: God's Favor = Free Apples
Read my next post: I Caved, But I'm Favored

Monday, September 12, 2011

God's Favor = Free Apples

I’m excited about posting this week because I have so many ideas, I just don’t know where to start! So eenie-meenie-miney-mo….I’ll start with God’s favor and my free apples.

My husband laughs at me because everywhere I go I know people. I’m on a first-name basis with my grocery store director, my Starbucks baristas, the ladies at the bank, World Market, the farmers market and so much more!

But the last laugh can be on him, because it truly pays to frequent a place of business.

My grocery store director, Mike, has given me things for free for various reasons (about to expire, an inconvenience, etc). My Starbucks baristas (also known as “Kings” and “Queens” to me) have given me things for free (refills, pastries, upgrades).

Saturday, it was Duane, my favorite fruit farmer. I buy fruit from him twice a week all season. He has the best blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, apples, and corn. OK, corn isn’t a fruit, but his is still the best.

When I approached his table I saw “Last Day: Red Haven Peaches”. I LOVE these peaches! I have a bunch frozen, ready for winter use and have been eating fresh ones for breakfast like they’re going out of style. Well, I guess they kind of are.

  • I whined to Duane, “The last day?”

  • “I’ll have Crest Havens next week, those are really good.”

  • “But Red Havens are my favorite!”

  • “Have you ever had Crest Haven?”

  • “No, because I love the Red Havens!” 

He laughed and assured me the Crest Havens are good. Guess I’ll find out next week. Until then, I bought 2 boxes of Red Havens and am enjoying those while I can…for breakfast AND snacks this week!

After I paid I saw he had Honey Crisp apples. My husband loves these and has been craving fall apples, so I asked Duane for a box of those. He handed them to me and “Those are for free.”
  • “Free? Why?”

  • “Because you’re always here.”


I thanked him and told him I’d see him Wednesday.

Look at these yummy babies! And they’re SO good!

Honey Crisp Apples (c) 9/10/11, Kathy Fannon

Pastor Sam is currently doing a series called “Favor”, based in the book of Ruth. One of his quotes from yesterday’s message is: Someone is always observing you who is capable of blessing you. [Ruth2:5-9]

He talked about God’s provision, whether it’s a close parking space at the store or a promotion into a job you’re not qualified for. But God WANTS to bless us.

I thought about Duane and his blessing of apples the day before. Ultimately it was God’s blessing, reminding me of how much He loves me and takes care of me.

What has God provided and blessed you with lately? Please share your story below!

Read my previous post: My Happy Place 
Read my next post: Review: Good Life Granola

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Happy Place

I have a few happy places, and most of them are in Holland. Unfortunately, I no longer live in Holland, but I do live close enough to go there...often!

Holland Happy Places include: DowntownKollen ParkHolland Farmers MarketNew Holland Brewing Company, Mom & Dad's House, and more.

One of the benefits of having older kids (22 and almost 18) is that we can take off for dates whenever we feel like, or when both kids are gone doing their own thing. Last night was one of those nights.

My husband and I went to New Holland Brewing Company for dinner. Twelve bucks gets us a small pizza to split and the tip. Can't go wrong with that. Best pizza on the planet, Primo Pesto Pizza!

We finished our dinner with about T-minus 20 minutes to sunset, so we went to Kollen Park to watch it.

Here are a couple of pictures I took with my phone camera. 

Sunset at Kollen Park 

Just after sunset

Part of health is self-care, and this was taking care of myself along with my relationship with my husband. No children, tv, dogs, newspapers or noise to distract us. Just a great dinner and a beautiful sunset!

What do you do to take care of yourself? Where is your happy place? Do you get there often?

Read my next post: God's Favor = Free Apples
Read my previous post: Why You Don't Want to Be Like Her